We are a Ukrainian company. We stand with our colleagues, friends, family, and with all people of Ukraine. Our message


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Tulodo company description

Tulodo is a new kind of organization. We are part university, part marketing agency and part nonprofit. Our capabilities and experience are equally strong across all of these specialties. Tulodos mission is to provide the best international social and behavior change services. Tulodo helps clients to solve health, governance, education, technology, conservation, human rights, microfinance, water, safety and many other problems. We provide services in: * Research: quantitative, qualitative and mixed method * Strategy for organizations, projects and campaigns * Design and development, including projects and creative materials * Management of projects and campaigns * Capacity building, staff development, coaching and training * Marketing and communications * Evaluation of programs, campaigns and materials * Fundraising, including proposals and partnerships We believe that government, community, business, non-profit, industry and multilateral organisations should have access to proven expertise no matter what the project size.

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