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Does GetProspect have a referral program?

Yes! You will get a 30% fee for each payment done by invited users. 

To join the referral program, click the Settings icon in the right top corner of your GetProspect account and navigate to Referral section.

There you will find your coupon code and referral link to use when you redirect potential users to GetProspect. If they subscribe, you will get 30% from all their payments.

Once you have a sufficient amount that covers a paid plan you want to purchase, you can get it for free!  

If you are going to participate in the referral program, please, bear in mind that: 

* you need to be precise when you recommend GetProspect to your fellows so that they will have realistic expectations

* you can’t log into your referrals’ accounts and vice versa

* referrals cannot be from your team or company

Also, you can track the the number of users who registered via your referral link by going to the Reffered users tab. 

About author

Alona Shalieieva

Throughout the previous three years, I am occupied as a Customer Support Representative for the email finder platform GetProspect.com. As a tech-savvy, I am keen on assisting our users with solving any challenges. On top of that, I worked on my tech author skills, and I can be straightforward in explaining difficult topics.

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