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Are GetProspect email addresses verified?

Yes. GetProspect automatically verifies all the email addresses which are found using any of the GetProspect search options. In other words, if an email address was found by GetProspect, the verification is included and you don't need to verify this email address additionally. You will see the email address status next to it. It can be either valid or accept all. Learn more on the verification statuses.

However, if you import your own file with email addresses which were found using other sources, you might want to verify these email addresses using GetProspect email verification feature.

Learn how to import contacts to your GetProspect account and how to verify the contacts.

About author

Alona Shalieieva

Throughout the previous three years, I am occupied as a Customer Support Representative for the email finder platform GetProspect.com. As a tech-savvy, I am keen on assisting our users with solving any challenges. On top of that, I worked on my tech author skills, and I can be straightforward in explaining difficult topics.

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